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Jane Birkin in 1970 Film, “Sex Power”

Wow…cool obscure little find: In 1970 Henry Chapier directed “Sex Power,”  a film with Jane Birkin and enlisted the talents of Vangelis to write the score (this was his very first film score after leaving Greece). It played the San Sebastian Film Festival where it won the Silver Shell Award and quickly slipped away into obscurity. The soundtrack however was the only one of Chapier’s films to ever get its score released.

Most of the dialogue is in English, and the feel of the film has a charmingly naive impressionistic, psychedelic bent.
[iframe;color=ffffff 460 260]
“Sex Power”  captures a similar vibe of some of the artier films of the time, films like El Topo and Zabriskie Point,  and I think exemplify the same  influences as are present from the late 1960s.  Even the French wanted to be from California back then.

Jane Birkin

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  1. Daniel says

    Sorry to see that the content was pulled since it is not really available for the public to view and consume…and share

  2. Daniel House says

    The content is now up. The post has been updated with the new link for all to enjoy!

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