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Marika Rökk – Life is Boring in Boring Old Space

File under the discovery of cool and interesting cinematic obsucrities well worth passing along to others for their discovery and delight.

Marika Rökk was an Egypt-born Austrian-German singer, dancer and actress of Hungarian descent who became famous in German films most notably in Nazi Germany during World War II. She first gained prominance in Paris in the 1920s starring as a dancer at the Moulin Rouge with the “Hoffmann Girls.” In 1934 she moved to Germany where she became one of the most famous movie stars in Germany working for Universum Film AG (UFA). Her film career spanned from 1930 through to 1962, however she appeared in two subsequent films, one  in 1973 (Der letzte Walzer) and her final appearance in 1988 (Schloß Königswald ). Marika Rökk died in 2004 at the age of 90.

This clip is from the 1958 German musical film, Buhne Frei Fur Marika. In “Mir ist so langweilig,” Marika is an alien girl who steals a spaceship and heads for earth where she dances with snakes, elephants and African natives. Just another boring day in the life of a German alien girl. The sets and art direction are fantastic.

Marika Rökk :: Spacegirl

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