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Classic Kitten Album Rock- for those about to Purr…

First, let me start by saying that I take no credit for any of these fantastic images. I have not come across a graphic mashup as fantastic as these classic album covers all being kitty-fied in a a long time, so I HAD to share, because they put a big smile on my face…and because I think they’re nothing short of brilliant. These images (and SO MANY MORE) were created by one by Alfra Martini of AymVisuals. Check out her kitten covers tumblr and you can see an entire 8 pages of awesome…in the meantime, below are a bunch of my favorites!

PurranoidPurranoid Tom Kitty and the HeartscratchersTom Kitty and the Heartscratchers

Syd PurrettSyd Purrett

Cuteness on the Edge of TownCuteness on the Edge of Town

London MeowingLondon Meowing

Led Kitteh Led Kitteh Mew York DollsMew York Dolls


Pink CatPink Cat

The Meowers of InventionThe Meowers of Invention


Cat Flag

If you like these, you might also want to check out Alfra’s band, Virginia Plain

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Posted in Art & Design, Music.

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  1. Remy says

    thank you….so much

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