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The Lips’ Wayne Coyne as Playful in Living as in Music

I’ve been a fan of The Flaming Lips since Hear It Is came out in 1986. Skin Yard was a band barely in its infancy, and suddenly here comes this out there, neo-psychedelic band out of Oklahoma of all places obscure. Their live show then was nothing like their show as it’s evolved over the last fifteen years, but the music was undeniable and we had the great fortune and delight to be able to open for them on more than one occasion. The thing that struck me then and struck me again this last year when I got to interview Wayne (Coyne) for RocknRollDating, was the fact that Wayne may indeed be the sweetest and most genuine front-man you’ll ever meet in rock. He was as gracious and seemingly without ego in 2009 as he was in the late ’80s. As a result I remain a fan of both the man as well as the music.

Fast forward to last week when Gizmodo posted the most awesome gallery of pics from Wayne’s newly remodeled mid-century palais, a feast to the eyes, and a spectacular showpiece from the remarkable Fitzsimmons architectural firm. The design sensibility seems to draw from the same playful and adventurous nature of the Lips’ music, and is truly unique and unlike anything that I’ve seen before. I had to share and I invite you to take a look as well:

The Gyrofocus Fireplace!The Gyrofocus Fireplace

I presume this to be a Living Room? A Living Room or Something Like It.

The Same Room from the Other AngleLooking from the Other Side

The Patio The Patio – LOVE the Rock Inlay

The Bathroom Pod The Space Bathroom

Design-Milk has a few extra pictures as well.

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Posted in Art & Design, Music.

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5 Responses

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  1. carl hardt says

    That’s really cool.

  2. Allen T. says

    Wow, a real jaw dropper.

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. The Magnificence of the Redwoods | D. House linked to this post on February 24, 2010

    […] even know what to say about this. My dear friend Sharon posted it to my Facebook in response to my Wayne Coyne architecture post and I was both humbled and blown away. This is a mosaic of 84 total photos combined to comprise […]

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